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  • What is coaching?
    Business coaching is a hybrid profession informed by related disciplines including coaching, psychology, organizational development, management science and consulting, human resource management, ethics, applied theology, adult learning and training and development. It is an action oriented and forward moving process. Coaching is for people who want more from their personal and professional lives. A coach supports clients in creating goals, developing strategies to achieve them, and provide support throughout the process. Similar to having a personal trainer or an athletic coach, coaching is transformational. The achievement of goals is something that comes more quickly as a result of the coach and client partnership.
  • How does the coaching relationship begin?
    We will start with with a call or video conference to get to know each other – also known as a consultation or strategy session. I will want to hear about your goals, needs, and challenges. You can ask me questions about my background, my approach or style of coaching, and if you're new to coaching, about professional coaching in general. Once we say YES to working with each other, our coaching relationship begins with reviewing your completed Intake Form during our initial meetings/calls. We create a game plan together and we immediately start talking about any potential obstacles that are getting in your way.
  • How do I know if coaching is right for me?
    Coaching is for you if you are ready for real change — whether it's a change in effectiveness, a change in your quality of life, or a change in direction for your career, organization, or business. I work with both men and women who are action and outcome-oriented, and ready to accept full responsibility for affecting the outcomes they desire. I specialize in coaching successful professionals, top-level executives, managers, entrepreneurs, small business owners and critical thinkers.
  • How will coaching make a difference?
    Coaching works and can make a difference in your life because of three aspects that make it a successful process: Structure: You move into action, think bigger, and get the job done, thanks to the accountability you experience in working with me as your coach. Synergy: We will work together as a team and form a partnership, focusing on your specific goals and needs, and supporting you as the client in accomplishing more than you would alone. Expertise: As a tenured coach with 19 years of of experience, I know how to help business people like you make better decisions, set the best goals, develop new skills for communicating, and restructure your professional and personal life for maximum productivity and fulfillment.
  • How do I determine that you are the right coach for me?
    I offer a complimentary 30-minute telephone consultation and coaching strategy session so we can get to know each other. It provide you the opportunity to ask questions while we both assess the chemistry between us. The most important quality of your experience with me is that you feel comfortable. Knowing that our conversations are confidential, it's my intention to put people at ease so you can be completely candid with me. I'm also not afraid to be honest and frank with you, and I will also “hold your feet to the fire” when you need to stay on track. I understand the subtleties of human and organizational behavior. You can expect that I will ask insightful and provocative questions and will be looking for opportunities to "stretch" you in various ways using my intuition to know just how much. Coaching is a journey that doesn't allow you to stay in your comfort zone since the purpose is to expand, develop, and grow.
  • What are some outcomes I can expect from coaching?
    Although results vary depending on the agenda of individual clients, outcomes include: Greater self-awareness and clarity of purpose Reduction in emotional blocks and self-sabotaging behavior Improved inter-personal communication skills Better time and task management, and organizational skills More results-oriented planning and decision making Increased income Enhanced critical thinking abilities Enhanced motivation and productivity More balance between personal and professional endeavors Improved relationships with direct reports, managers, peers, and clients Greater overall fulfillment What does that translate into: You take yourself and what you want more seriously You take more effective and focused actions immediately You stop tolerating what gets in your way You create momentum to achieve more, be more balanced and develop more powerful professional leadership skills You set personal goals that are clear and meet your needs You identify and eliminate the barriers that get in the way of achieving goals You communicate what you need and want from others in a more responsible and effective way
  • What are some examples of what leaders experience as a result of receiving coaching?
    Because the coaching process is a neutral environment and is free from judgment. You are safe to question, appear vulnerable, observe, explore, experiment, and change through learning. As a result, many use coaching: To reach high targets and quotas requiring you as a leader to work with your team to reach extraordinary goals For training, developing and managing staff For personal and professional goal-setting To effectively integrate business and personal life for balance To prioritize actions and projects To turn around a difficult situation To handle business or personal challenges
  • How long does the coaching relationship last?
    Coaching is tailored to address each person’s or company’s needs. A successful coaching process is usually for a period of six months or more. The goal of coaching is to move forward expeditiously and an effective coach will support you to consistently optimize your performance. Once people experience that effectiveness, they often make an extended commitment to coaching.
  • How much does it cost to work with you?
    Fees for coaching are based on a variety of factors including: The frequency of your coaching The length of your coaching sessions Whether sessions are in person or remote Whether the coaching is part of a larger coaching contract Whether it is 1-1 or group coaching to include several people or a team facilitated virtually or in person Coaching for mid-level to high-level executives is often comparable to the investment you make for legal counsel. Many coaches charge an hourly fee or propose larger coaching packages and programs. The consultation process will result in an agreed upon fee for the term of the coaching engagement we decide on. Payment plans may be available. This way you know the total cost of your coaching up front, before we begin. Contact Alanna Levenson for the current coaching options and fee structure.
  • How are coaching fees paid?
    Fees are often paid by you directly or is sometimes sponsored by the company you work for. Payment is received in advance for each month’s coaching when fees are charged by the hour. Your payment entitles you to contact me between sessions (by email or phone) for help with specific issues. There is no extra charge for this service. I invoice clients for the agreed upon number of sessions by email prior to each month of coaching. Fees are payable by credit card, Crypto or gold, and are paid in advance. If you choose to pay by credit card and you are engaging in a monthly program, you will be set up on an auto payment plan. You can discontinue at any time with a 30 days advance notice. If a different type of engagement is agreed upon with a signed letter of engagement (LOE), the total fees will either be paid upfront or broken up into reasonable payments with a payment schedule clarified in the LOE.
  • What is the typical cadence of sessions or how often do we meet?
    Successful coaching is usually at least twice a month and often weekly for 30 minute – one hour sessions. Should you want or require more intensive coaching, two-hour and three-hour sessions can be arranged. Half-day or full day "shadowing” can also be provided in which I am with you as an observer in your interactions. This allows me to make job-specific recommendations on ways to improve your communication, management style, and work habits. I can also facilitate workshops or meetings so you can be present as a participant and experience being a part of the dialogue in a different way.
  • What is your approach to business coaching?
    My approach to business coaching is to be a support system and working with clients on a collaborative intervention. I help business owners who are stuck, unfulfilled, or are in a crisis in their professional life, or who simply want to take their business to the next level of success. We partner in evaluating and trouble shooting business challenges and take a deeper look at your culture, environment, especially if it feels chaotic and reactionary. This is accomplished through a collaborative process of assessment, decision-making, identifying objectives and goal achievement. In each session, you as the client choose the focus for our conversation due to what is most urgent and relevant, while I listen and contribute with observations and questions to create some movement. Our interaction creates clarity and moves you as the client into action. Coaching helps accelerate your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Our concentration is on where are now and what you will need to do and change to get where you want to be. Our working relationship is a partnership based on trust, candor, and accountability. This will empower you to utilize your natural internal resources, skills, strengths, and relationships. Coaching improves your bottom line effectiveness, interactions, and inspires more productive action. A few benefits your company will experience: Reduced customer complaints resulting in happier customers More effective teamwork Improved work productivity Higher conflict resolution Quality enhancement in the work environment
  • What is your approach to executive coaching and leadership development?
    You and I will zero in on your unique needs as a top-level leader which include issues such as: Adapting to changes in your job profile, your industry, or your company Mastering the skills required for high level management Creating a more effective top-management team Building a career without sacrificing what is important to you, such as family Staying focused on critical issues and priorities Balancing the countless demands that compete for your energy Maintaining personal growth and fresh perspectives Developing a life-plan that leads up to retirement I will also serve as your confidant and “sounding board” outside of the organization. I provide a safe way for executives and entrepreneurs to voice frustrations, explore options, and talk though new courses of action.
  • How will I know if I am making progress from the coaching?
    At the end of each weekly session, you will leave with very specific action-oriented assignments or an action plan for the week. At the beginning of the next session, the first order of business will be to review and assess your progress on the action plan from the previous week. I record all weekly action plans and progress assessments so they can be cumulatively reviewed when necessary to assess progress over a longer period of time.
  • If my employer or someone else is paying for my coaching, do you report to them?
    Although your employer/loved one has chosen to support you in your development through the use of a coach, you are my client. At the outset of the coaching process, we will establish very clear guidelines about when your employer/sponsor will be updated on your progress and what will be shared. You and I will always confer before any information is shared with any third party. The typical type of information that will be shared are goals, actions, and progress, as well as ways in which your employer/sponsor can support your personal and/or professional development.
  • How will I know of the information I am sharing will remain confidential?
    The cornerstone of an effective coaching relationship is trust. It is critical that the confidentiality of our conversations be totally protected. You can absolutely count on that. If there is information that needs to be shared, you and I will discuss what is appropriate and how it is to be shared.
  • If I am paying for someone else to be coached, am I entitled to recieve progress reports?
    Since you are not hiring me to be your coach, rather your employee’s (or loved one’s) coach, the cornerstone of an effective coaching relationship is trust. Therefore, it is critical the confidentiality of our conversations be totally protected. I would not be serving you or your good will intention by sharing information with you without the expressed permission of my client, the coachee. The only exception to this rule is if my client expresses an intention to endanger him/herself or others. At the outset of the coaching process, we will establish very clear guidelines about when you will be updated on the client’s progress and what will be shared. Typically, the type of information shared are goals, actions, and progress, as well as ways in which you can further his/her ongoing development. You should also keep in mind that coaching is very action-oriented, so you will likely see behavioral and attitudinal changes as the coaching process progresses.
  • If you ask my peers or subordinates for feedback about me, how do you know they will be honest?
    Your peers and subordinates are assured that nothing that they share will be attributed to them, feedback shared is aggregated and kept anonymous. Otherwise they probably would not be as forthcoming with their feedback. Their views and comments are reported back to you in a summary fashion with overall themes.
  • Are there any acceptions to the confidentually rule?
    Yes. I am required to take reasonable steps to notify the appropriate authorities in the event a client discloses an intention to endanger him/herself or others.
  • What if I need additional help and support in an area where a specific expertise is required?
    If it arises that you need support I am not equipped to provide, I will let you know and, whenever possible, refer you to an appropriate service provider or suggest you research a specific type of service provider. I love being a resource to others and do a lot of business networking. I have established close working relationships with highly qualified professionals from a wide array of fields. These include and is not limited to: - accounting/bookkeeping - branding and marketing, graphic design, website development - legal counsel (in the areas of business law, estate planning, real estate, intellectual property, immigration, and family law) - chiropractic care - commercial and residential real estate, - dentistry - general contractor/architect - interior design - real estate and mortgage brokers - massage therapy/nutritional consulting, personal training - clinical psychology If you know of someone I should meet in any of these fields or others that aren't mentioned, I would love to meet them!
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