Are you stuck?

Are you stuck?

Are you stuck?

If you are stuck in one area of your life, you might want to ask yourself, how am I keeping myself safe by not doing what I am really wanting to do. You might then say well, it’s not that I’m keeping myself safe, I am just not motivated. Or possibly afraid of some sort of outcome or failure. When I say safe, I mean, playing small. Staying where you are now because it’s scary to get “over there” where you want to be.

So in essence you start to realize that you aren’t really stuck at all. You are just staying put because it appears to be more comfortable there. It’s what you know, it’s more predictable.

Is there a part of you that wants to do it and a part of you that doesn’t? Believe it or not that’s a simple internal conflict that can be resolved. You might even realize that you’ve been stuck before and somehow became unstuck.

What worked for you in the past? What inner and outer resources were you able to tap into to help yourself move through it? You have what you need, you are just looking into the wrong place. Get in touch with the feeling of what it be like to take that step forward. It just takes putting one foot in front of the other.

Wherever you are, stand in one place with your feet together. Visualize an imaginary line in front of your toes. On the other side of that line is where you have been wanting to get to. Imagine yourself being where you want to be, accomplishing that very thing you want to achieve. When you are in that positive feeling place, step over that line and now see how you feel. You took your first step.